Proof of Concept

Clearsight is your guide through the IoT journey

Clearsight's team of IoT experts work together with you to design, develop, and deploy a fully interactive IoT solution, giving you insight into the power and potential of transforming to an IoT-enabled business.

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Clearsight's PoC Process: How it works

Week 1

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 2

Week 3

Evaluate & Tune
Executive Demo & Review
Develop & Deploy

Week 6

Week 5

Week 4

Week 2

Week 3

Week 1

Develope & Deploy
Evaluate & Tune
Executive Demo
& Review

Loaded with everything you need to see real outcomes

Clearsight partners with you to fully understand your business and apply its IoT technology, resulting in a fully interactive solution that scales to deliver real business outcomes.

Real or Simulated Devices

Clearsight will provide custom hardware design and a fully-interactive, minimal viable product (MVP) that can simulate your proof of concept with millions of endpoint, so we can prove your business case at scale.

Application Program Interfaces (APIs)

Clearsight supports RESTful and real-time APIs that allow the Clearsight platform to communicate with your business tools, end-user applications, and servers.

Technology Roadmap & Partner for Scaling

Clearsight's Professional Services team becomes your IoT Partner, assisting to develop, act on, and maintain your technology roadmap and additional features as your business and IoT solution grows.

Clean UI & Dashboards

Clearsight's UI & dashboard are designed around the end-user, making it an intuitive solution that promotes the visualization of data and seamless controls of devices in the field.

End-to-End IoT Solution

Clearsight has developed the core competencies needed to provide end-to-end solutions, reducing risks of working with multiple partners to find a custom and suitable IoT solution that delivers business outcomes.

Dedicated Professional Services Team

Clearsight's Professional Services team is dedicated to understanding your business and helping your organization design, deploy, and manage a valuable IoT solution.

Clearsight is your IoT partner & full-service solution provider

With Proof of Concepts delivered in weeks, we work with you to prove solutions, scale, and be your partner in developing more robust solutions in the future.

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Unmatched experience and passion

Clearsight is a pioneer in IoT with deep experience in custom end-to-end IoT solutions.  Leveraging our experience to deliver real outcomes for partners and customers through digital transformation is our passion.  

See how partnering with Clearsight can transform your business.

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Clearsight is the global leader in enabling Internet of Things solutions for partners and enterprises. Clearsight's experts deliver on our end-to-end, enterprise-grade IoT solution, including hardware, connectivity and platforms.

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Clearight is the leading partner in end-to-end, enterprise Internet of Things Solutions. Copyright 2019 @ Clearsight IoT. All Rights Reseverd.

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